revenge of bill dimmit | Teen Ink

revenge of bill dimmit

November 1, 2013
By Anonymous

Chapter 1

The year 2749 during the 2nd civil war The Dimmits are a poor and smart family with homemade inventions. One day Bill Dimmit was working on a microscopic bug that absorbs all electricity and the only thing it does is multiply. Of course it went wrong and turned off all electricity even batteries. He made an invention to repel all the bugs and destroy them but he didn’t finish it. Making something that uses electricity is nearly impossible, without electricity that is. He finally found a way, but it only worked up to 15 feet, so he needed an amplifier up to 10, 000,000 miles, in other words the earth.

So you’re probably wondering how it happened why there was a Civil war of the U.S. well here is why it happened. 20 years ago when the blackout happened, planes falling out of the sky signified it was no ordinary blackout. Governments fell and militias were created weapons in sent to storage and disease flourished. Only two knew how to turn the lights on, john and bill Dimmit. Bill was and murdered by the confederate militia in a small dusty looking town called Killington. The man who killed him was General Monroe. He was the leader of the confederate militia.

Chapter 2
John ran to the union militia after bill’s death and gave them the power back and Said to the commander “I need to find Monroe he killed bill, I must kill him in the most inconvenient way possible”
The commander said “It will be too dangerous besides he probably left the town and you’re not going without me”
“No! It is my fight do you not realize he killed my brother, it will be my fight not the unions fight my fight! ”
At the same moment 2 miles away in the town of Killington general Monroe stood over the carcass of Bill Dimmit and noticed a small necklace around his neck Grasped it tight in his cold hands and pushed a small round button in the middle and the lights shot to life.
“General Monroe the union camp is only 2 miles from here John Dimmit probably is sending more troops as we speak we need to move now”
General Monroe immediately thought about making aircraft, boats and a whole army but first he turns and says “With this we can control the whole world, you’re right though we must flee back to the encampment but this will be the last time we call retreat from them understood!”
The solder replies “Yes sir”

Chapter 3
Just then they hear an uncomforting noise of tanks in the distance john Dimmit Was sending troops and a ton of tanks from union troops and they fled to the nearest confederate camp and took helicopters and had a full out war with the union and when the power got back to the citizens and other countries many joined the war soon, the other countries joined in and thousands were dead but Monroe still fought. Eventually they came back to the old nukes and rpgs and sniper rifles. As you guessed the Dimmit family (only containing john Dimmit) became wealthy and built powerful weapons and He was still mad about Monroe killing Bill he kidnapped him and tortured him by throwing him in the dessert staked to the ground and watched him slowly die and if that wasn’t bad enough he gave him water but no food. This meant he starved to death. As he died he questioned himself if he was doing the right thing and then he said to the general in a sincere voice,
“If you had the choice would you have changed any thing in the past that you have done and what would it be”
It was silent for a moment then the sharp eyed dying general said in a raspy distinct voice “NO!!”
At this point he just looked like he wanted John to kick him so he would die faster with less pain but John gave him some more food so it would be longer pain
The general replied again saying,
“You know you can’t get away with this” Said the general in a cold hearted voice “they will find you and kill you until all that is left is a carcass laying on the cold rotting ground”
Eventually news got back to camp Monroe Of him being kidnapped by John Dimmit. They immediately searched for him and then 2 months after he was kidnapped they found the remains of one man. The Monroe solider looked back at his captain with a distinct grin and said in a cracking voice saying “He did it”
Chapter 4
The captain ran up to the carcass they were staring into the eyes of a cold familiar face John Dimmit.
After the autopsy was complete the doctor walked up to the captain and said in a puzzled Voice there are no markings of how he died. The captain replied in a questioning voice “so he just died” he stared at a wall for a moment wondering whether or not he was telling the truth and suddenly burst out “THAT IS POSSIBLE!! You don’t just die like that something or someone killed him out there! And that gives us more reason to send a search team”
The Dr. replies in a scared voice “m…maybe it was the fact that he had an a…asthma attack s…s...sir”
The captain replies angrily like nails on a chalk board “why didn’t you say that BEFORE!”
The solider hearing the outburst ran into the room once the captain left “Did you tell him”
“No I didn’t tell him I told him it was the asthma” replied the Dr.

“Good if he found out that we stole the amnesia we would be dead men” they both were still and the solider said again “is he awake yet”
The doctor lifted the blanket on the body of Sam Dimmit the Dr. said “no not yet, But soon”
Chapter 5
When john woke up he was in a white room with an old friend standing above him. It was the teacher at their old town before the lights came back on. Then he looked up and saw on the wall a confederate symbol an M with an O around it Suddenly questions darted trough his mind Why is my friend working for the people who killed his family And why was he dressed up like a doctor the man turned behind him was a solider the doctor Handed solider a duffel bag and the solider opened it there had to be at least a million in there he heard them talking “The deal was too get him out of the hospital alive” said the solider
The Dr. replied saying “and I’ll pay you more if you do this for me”
The solider said “fine but I get the serum after words”
“No way is it too powerful it is made for him” but the solider quickly stole the doctor’s satchel and ran for the door the doctor ran after him but when the solider turned it was too late he had a pistol in his hand and fired. The doctor fell to the ground, It was a critical shot there was no saving. The solider jammed the needle into his arm and he collapsed in great pain john stood and ran away into a separate room. The solider looked as if his insides were acid eating away at his body his skin dissolving his insides turning out hair burning he screamed in agony and laid on the ground. Soon he was only a charred pile of bones. John suddenly felt a needle in his back sharp like Monroe’s eyes and a cool liquid flooded his body it was a confederate captain john looked over his shoulder and wham he was out cold for good no one knows why the doctor was about to inject a serum into the body of john or why the solider was going to take it for himself except for the doctor that is, and why was john so important to the confederates.

Where’s Monroe?

The author's comments:
it is pretty cool

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