Fighting Godzilla | Teen Ink

Fighting Godzilla

November 4, 2013
By du sig BRONZE, Toledo, Ohio
du sig BRONZE, Toledo, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a calm day in the middle of the desert, until the wind picked up and flew all over, and the ground started shaking. That’s when I knew he had come, the one and only Godzilla. I knew it was him because he only appears when there are high winds and the ground shakes. As Godzilla came from the dust clouds I stood before him. We stood eye to eye starring at one another, and then we ran at each other as fast as we could. You could see the power that we were using to sprint at each other, and as we collided, Godzilla turned into powder from the force. That is how I fought Godzilla, and in the end I still take pride in turning him into powder.


Dustin T. S.

The author's comments:
Godzilla really inspired me to make this master piece.

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