The Banshee | Teen Ink

The Banshee

October 3, 2013
By Anonymous

Levacy walked out of school smiling ear to ear. Today had been her first day of high school. She thought she would see drug deals, fights, and pregnant sixteen year olds. It turns out she didn’t see any of that, but she did see a kid throw up from nervousness. Her bright blue eyes sparkled as she played everything that happened today over and over in her head.
Her thoughts were interrupted by her older brother, Phoenix, telling her to get in the car. He was seventeen and had a show of bravado everywhere he went. He drove her to and from school, even though he didn’t want to. They got along pretty good, but they had their fights just like any other siblings. Their family sort of had to stick together ever since their uncle went missing a few months ago. Their mom hadn’t acted the same ever since that day. He wasn’t only their mom’s brother, but also her best friend. He was a little weird but everybody still loved him.
While in the car, Phoenix and Levacy talked about their day. Something strange happened while Phoenix was in the middle of a story about how he got hit in the head by his locker. There was a strange sound coming from Levacy’s phone. It sounded like a combination of a pterodactyl screeching and finger nails on a chalkboard. She had never heard that sound come from her phone. It turns out that it was a phone call from a blocked number.
“Hello” said Levacy. All she could hear on the other line was heavy breathing. She hung up as fast as she could because she was scared.
“Who was that?” asked Phoenix. Levacy told him what happened. He told her not to worry about; it was probably just someone prank calling. They eventually got home and walked into the kitchen.
“Moommm we’re hooommmme!” shouted Phoenix. There was no answer.
“Mom!” There was still no answer. They looked through the house and eventually Levacy called her mom’s phone. It picked up but instead of their mom’s voice there was the same heavy breathing. Levacy put the phone on speaker.
“Levacy, are you wondering where your mother is?” said the person in a raspy voice.
“Who is this? What did you do to her!?!?” shouted Levacy.
“You can call me Banshee. And your mom is perfectly fine… for now. She is actually spending some quality time with her brother. She won’t be fine unless you help me out. You and your brother need to do a task for me. If you succeed then you can have your mom and your uncle back. If not, then you will never see either of them again. Oh, and do yourself a favor, don’t call the cops.”
“Okay, what do you want us to do?” asked Levacy, knowing that this was the only option.
“I want you to go to school tomorrow and go into classroom 203. There will be a package. All you need to do is pick it up and bring it to your house at lunch time. I will be there with your family waiting.”
“Okay” said Levacy with a determined voice. She wouldn’t let her mom or uncle be killed.
“Talk to you later sweetie” said the raspy voiced Banshee, and then he hung up. When Levacy looked up from the phone there were tears in her eyes. She didn’t want anything to happen to her mom. Phoenix gave her a hug and comforted her.
“Listen, we can do this. Be strong Levacy” said Phoenix.
The next day Levacy and Phoenix got up for school extra early. They knew what they had to do. But before they left, they both grabbed a gun and a knife and put it in their book bags. They agreed that they would go in the classroom together, get the package, and leave school as soon as possible. When they got to school everybody was chilling outside as usual. They snuck in through a back door and went into classroom 203. It was an abandoned classroom used for storage. Everybody swore that it was haunted blah, blah, blah. They saw a package that was glowing and grabbed it. They returned through the same door and snuck around to the parking lot.
When they got in the car Phoenix sped like there was no tomorrow. Getting pulled over by a cop wasn’t exactly his biggest thing to worry about at the moment. They didn’t dare look inside the box for fear of what was inside it. Levacy couldn’t stop imagining her mom sitting there having who knows what being done to her…
It seemed like it took an eternity for them to get home. When they got there, there was a blacked out van in their driveway. They parked, grabbed the box, and ran into the house as fast as they could.
Their mom was in the middle of the room tied and gagged next to their uncle. Levacy ran to them first, and Phoenix followed. While Levacy was trying to untie them a figure dressed in all black grabbed Phoenix and pinned him up against the wall.
“You aren’t supposed to be here yet! I said lunch time!” yelled Banshee angrily. He pulled out a knife and said “I punish those who do not follow my directions.”
Phoenix saw the knife slowly come inches away from his face, and then he saw a bullet go straight through Banshee’s head. Behind Banshee was Levacy, his little fourteen year old sister, standing there quivering with a pistol in her hand, and smoke coming from the end.

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