The Infamous Tooth Fairy | Teen Ink

The Infamous Tooth Fairy

July 27, 2013
By DaynaMarie BRONZE, Baldivis, Other
DaynaMarie BRONZE, Baldivis, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It's time to get yourself some gum boots.

She couldn't believe she had finally made it. After three years of study and training she had reached her goal in life. Her first house awaited, and there it stood. Daphne crouched behind some brush across the road as she studied the house and its different entrances. She decided to go through the side gate and take the first window, that would take her into the laundry.
She walked casually across the road and onto the front lawn. The house was a dull grey in the silvery light of the moon. The large balcony at the front of the house promised a spectacular view.
Climbing over the fence with practiced stealth, she dropped gracefully onto the other side. She giggled, imagining herself doing the 'drop and roll' just for the heck of it. Trying to return serious, she arrived at her destination and got out her detecting gadget. It had a small screen and a few buttons, She pulled out the antennae that protruded from the front and began examining the screen closely. A small map of the house became visible to her, a bright red light flashing in the maze caught her attention. It was close, only two rooms down.
Putting the device back into her small pack, she pulled out a set of long thin metal tools. Sticking them into the lock of the window she began working her magic. With a subtle click, it sprung open. Slipping through the gap, Daphne crouched on the floor and listened carefully for any sign of disturbance. Standing, she slipped out of the laundry and into the hallway. Checking her detector she made her way towards the flashing red light.
The door of the designated room stood slightly ajar, the inside pitch black. Daphne pushed the bedroom door open, relief coursing through her when it didn't squeak. Her eyes adjusted quickly to the darkness. Alarm pierced her when she saw the bed covers pulled back and no body in it.
They really should create a device that states whether someone's awake, she thought desperately. Moving to hide behind something quickly, all the while in stealth mode, she heard...nothing. Maybe, she thought hopefully, the user of this bedroom had a nightmare and went to seek refuge elsewhere. Yes, that happens when people are young. Making up her mind to begin the search, she awkwardly crawled out of the cupboard. Scanning the room in a hurry, she spotted a glass. Speeding greedily toward it, she peered inside the depths of the half filled glass of water to find exactly what she'd been looking for.
Then something almost sharp poked the small of her back and kept there. No, no, no! She froze, terrified. This was her first time. This couldn't be happening. Surely... She began to turn around.
'Not so fast.' said a serious voice. 'You'll answer a few questions first.'
Daphne stood still as thoughts flashed through her head, wandering if this was perhaps some kind of test her mentors had concocted.
'Firstly, why so sneaky? There I was, in the toilet (if you must know), and then I find... What are you doing in my room? You realize it's like two in the morning."
"Yes. It's exactly two in the morning." Daphne replied automatically, the years of practiced study bursting from her lips.
He paused thoughtfully, "Turn around slowly. You don't have any concealed weapons on your person, do you?"
"Depends what you class as a weapon," she replied, thinking quick. With a seconds thought she quickly grabbed the tooth that sat on the bottom of the glass. She cursed when the water turned a brilliant blue. She forget about the dye on her fingertips. It was a silly tradition, one that probably just gave her away.
"What are you doing? Why...!?" He stuttered in alarm.
She spun quickly around to face him. The first thing she noticed was the pretend and very much plastic sword that had poked her back. Daphne raised her eyebrows in amusement.
"What? It can actually hurt very much when properly handled." He said,waving the sword awkwardly.
She gave him a dubious look. "I don't doubt. But right about now... I should be leaving." Moving towards the door quickly, she just reached it when she was quickly pulled back by the neck of her shirt.
"Hey!" She yelled in alarm, spinning to glare at him. His expression was quite different. He was staring at the glass of blue liquid.
"I knew it." His eyes were wide. "Finally, an explanation!" He turned to Daphne triumphantly.
"I don't know what your presuming, but I'm one hundred percent certain it's wrong."
"That makes no sense whatsoever."
"Maybe not... but I bet you weren't expecting this!" She yelled, as she pulled out a handful of glitter and threw it with force onto his face.
"Really?" Appearing nonplussed, he wiped an eye.
Daphne scratch the back of her neck thoughtfully. "Maybe it only works on a certain age..." She said awkwardly. She decided to examined this unexpected humanoid. He seemed to be only a little older than her. He wore quite hilarious flannelette pajamas and his brown hair stood up in every angle, as if he had just been harshly electrocuted. The glitter seemed to have lovingly attached itself to every part of him. She resisted the urge to either burst into laughter at his bedraggled appearance or into tears for being found out.
"What is it? I don't understand the emotion your expressing. It's like your jumping rapidly from one to another."
"What are you doing here. You should be in bed."
He laughed, "Yes, Mum, right away." He rolled his eyes. "Pa-lease. Besides, I've already told you. I had a desperate need that shouldn't be avoided. As much as I may have wanted to. It is freezing, is it not?"
"You talk funny." She stated brilliantly.
He seemed to be embarrassed. "Yeah, sometimes I do that when I'm nervous...or in this case, caught unprepared."
"Fine. Is this your room?"
She sighed. "Then that is your glass?" Daphne said, pointing in the direction of the blue liquid.
"Yes, speaking of which-"
"But your so old!" She complained, interrupting him. "Loosing teeth isn't suppose to happen past thirteen years... Well, at least...I was so sure!" She stomped a foot.
"Calm down, no need to loose your temper. I can explain this. I play sport. I got into a small misunderstanding." He smirked knowingly. "These things happen. And, well... I got landed a fist, causing my molar to bleed... a lot. Then it fell out." He waved his hand, as if it was nothing.
"You really should be more careful. You could end up loosing someone their job."
He looked confused, then brightened. "I knew it. Your the infamous tooth fairy!"
"Not quite. I'm not THE, I'm not infamous and I'm obviously not a fairy."
"So your a tooth... Retriever?"
She contemplated then said quickly. "Ah, close enough. And not only can I turn a small glass of water blue and take a tooth away... I can also put one back."
She began ruffling through her small bag of necessities, pulled out a small tube and wielded it in front of him.
"Wow! How glorious. This is my lucky day!"
"Okay but first, What is your name child?" She asked formally. "Before I apply this wondrous fluid!"
"Rogan, Miss. And I'm pretty sure your younger than me."
"I said it to add effect. Now, watch and... don't worry about learning. It's really not that hard." She took the tooth and squeezed a white paste onto the root of it. Handing it back she gestured to put it back where it came from. Following instructions, Rogan put the tooth onto his gum and pushed it down into place. Clenching his teeth, he then smiled.
"That is magic. Do you wanna go out some time?"
She grinned, "Sure! Although I would appreciate it if you told no one of this little in counter, alright?"
"Then how did we meet?"
"Ah, I'm sure you'll think of something."

The author's comments:
I really don't know what possessed me to write this obscurely random piece. I did enjoy writing it immensely, however.

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