Plane Crash | Teen Ink

Plane Crash

May 7, 2013
By KnightHawk BRONZE, Erlanger, Kentucky
KnightHawk BRONZE, Erlanger, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
'But I don't want to go among mad people,' said Alice. 'Oh, you can't help that,' said the cat. 'We're all mad here.'
-Lewis Carroll

Plane Crash

“Everyone take your seats” the flight attendant said over the intercom.

Tyrone nervously walked through the isle's looking for his seat, “there it is” he said to himself. His seat was right next to the window, he sat in row 8, seat k. Before sitting down Tyrone put his suitcase in the over head storage unit. “Finally” he thought to himself as he sat with ease.

“Hello” said a taller gentle man, “I'm George.”

“Hey!” Replied Tyrone. He began to stare out the window at the beautiful sunset, his eyes began to get heavy and he drifted off into a deep deep sleep.

“Everyone please put on your oxygen mask, and your seatbelt.” The flight attendant yelled over the intercom.

Tyrone jumped up and smacked his face on the dangling mask, in a daze he grabbed for his seatbelt and clicked it in, he then reached for his mask and put it on, he looked over to where George was and all that was left was his jacket that got stuck between the seat and the arm rest, He grabbed for it, to put around his head for support. At this time the plane was in a downward spiral, there was luggage and bags flying all over the plane and people being thrown through isles. Tyrone shakingly put George's jacket around his face and closed his eyes waiting for the inevitable, at that same moment a suitcase that had been up in the storage unit had fallen out and hit him in the head knocking him unconscious.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhh” He came back too hearing a man screaming, Tyrone still a little dazed realized the plane had crashed.

He looked up to see a man crushed under part of the plane, stumbling he made his way over to the man. “Hey, hey Mr. are you alright?! Tyrone yelled to the man.

“ me son”, the man slowly said, “pl...ease he...lp”.

Tyrone fell down to his knees still weak from the crash and tried to pull the man out. “Ge..George!” He yelled as he realized the man trapped under debris was George, the man he had met on the plane. “George I'm trying.. But you're stuck! You're leg is pinned! I... I don't know what to do.” Tyrone said to George.

“Son... You need... t... to get out of here... before some...someone or something com...Comes from all the no...noise.” George whispered. “You're a good kid” George said with his last dying breath.

Tyrone ran back to where he awoke from the crash and scavenged through the debris and body's looking, and looking and finally he found George's jacket and he slipped it on, he then began looking for other supplies that would be of use to him but was startled to hear a loud roar like sound... It had sounded like a Tyrannosaurs-Rex from the movie Jurassic park. “No way” He thought to himself as he looked behind him into the vast trees that looked almost like a jungle, and then he heard it again. Tyrone darted into the tall tress with only, George's jacket and sharp part of the plane that he had found in the rubble. He stumbled over branch after branch as he constantly was looking behind him to make sure that the monster that had gave off that terrible noise wasn't following him, he never did see the monster though, but instead he constantly heard different sounds that had sounded like they were coming from animals that he had never heard or seen before.

“Why me! What am I suppose to do?” Tyrone yelled to the sky. When he lowered his head he noticed a giant cut out in a rock that looked almost like a cave covered in moss and surrounded by trees. He slowly walked over to the cave with his scrap metal drawn, “is anyone in here!?” Tyrone yelled into the cave to only find his own voice to answer him. “Well” he thought to himself “I guess its safe”, he slowly entered the cave and found a nice little corner where he decided he was going to sleep for the night. “It's so cold!” He thought to himself as he pulled his arms in his shirt and used George's jacket as a pillow, he slowly fell into a light sleep thinking to himself that this had, had to have been a dream.

Tyrone awoke to a chilling breeze followed by the sound of sirens, “what?!” he said aloud, as he jumped to his feet and made way to the opening in the cave, as he slowly crept closer and closer to the opening he again heard the enormous roar and he darted to the back of the cave.

(Three days that had seemed like weeks to Tyrone had passed, he had been living off the land, scavenging what he could and drinking from the lake only at night cause that's when it seemed the quietest and safest.)

Tyrone awoke to what sounded like the laughing of little kids. “What?!” Tyrone thought to himself, as he walked out of the cave. “Hello?” he shouted to the top of the cave he had been living in.

“Mommy please I wanna see the dinosaurs!” Tyrone heard a little boy scream.

He began climbing up the side of the cave “hey, heyy help!” Tyrone yelled. When he got to the top of the cave he climbed through some trees and bushes, and he stumbled onto pavement and when he looked up he saw a sign that said Paramount Park.

The author's comments:
In my class we interviewed another student and in my interview i learned that he wanted to go to Florida and he liked T-rex's... so i made this story based from that.

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