The Competition | Teen Ink

The Competition

May 16, 2013
By Anonymous

Drew and Maya were born on the same day, seven minutes apart. The competition had just begun. Maya, growing up in royalty had to learn how to be a lady and to become strong and win against anything Drew was involved in. Being a lady would be hard, and this would not help her in sports, because that’s when you have to get aggressive. Maya has to learn how to carry books on her head, and learn how to dance. Dancing and carrying books on your head will really help with balance. Most activities or sports she’s involved in was going to be helpful with balance. Drew on the other hand, has to learn how to play polo, riding horseback and holding a long mallet seems difficult, but he will do anything to beat Maya when they’re older.

During their first years of school age, Drew and Maya weren't taught separately, the teacher had wanted them to learn to interact with other kids so they don't become stuck up. Tyler, Drew’s father, and Mason, Maya’s father, hated the idea of that, Erin, Tyler’s wife, and Ali, Mason’s wife, on the other hand thought it would be easier; seeing that they lived right next door to each other. Ali wondered why they hadn’t told Maya about Mason and Tyler’s rivalry, but thought that it wasn’t a good idea to tell her about it because she was too young to understand. She figured once they were older would be a better time. To the adults’ surprise, Drew and Maya loved each other. They were best friends. Mason and Tyler let it slide because they were little, but once they were older they would have to be separated.
“Mommmmyy, can Drew come over? I want him to teach me how to fence!” declared Maya.
“Well, its up to your father. Go ask him,” Ali stated.
“But daddy will say no!” shouted Maya.
“You would be surprised, ask him anyways,” replied Ali sternly.

Maya had to go outside to the barn where her father was washing their horses. “Please let daddy say yes, please!” Maya thought to herself.
“What is it this time?” interrupted her father.
“Can I pretty please go to Drew’s? He wants to teach me how to fence,” stated Maya.
“Uhh. I guess, but once you’re older you probably won’t get to go there anymore,” answered Mason.
“Yay! Wait. Why not?” questioned Maya.
“You are too young to understand, you will find out when you’re older,” explained Mason.
“Okay. See you later!” exclaimed Maya.
“Good bye,” replied Mason.

Mason watched as Maya skipped to Drew’s house, happy as can be. Mason had many worries about Maya, when she gets older there will be no more Drew. He kind of hated the idea of Maya not having Drew as a friend, but it was for the better.

Maya met Drew in his backyard, where his fencing area was. Maya was pretty nervous, being seven and all. She kept thinking about whether the sword hurts when you get stabbed? She didn't want to ask, because she didn't want to sound like a chicken. Fencing seemed hard, like you really need balance; then she remembered, “I’m a ballerina, I also practiced carrying books on my head. I shouldn't be too bad.”
“Hey Maya!” Drew said coolly.
“Hi. Ready to teach me how to fence?” Maya questioned.
“Of course! Better not fail,” Drew exclaimed.
“Oh stop!” shouted Maya sarcastically.

Maya was so excited, she could barely hold in her excitement. While Drew went to go get Maya fencing gear, she was smelling a rose. It smelt so sweet, like summer was coming soon. That meant she could practice her gymnastics outside with room.
“Here ya go,” Drew stated, interrupting Maya’s thoughts.
“Thanks!” exclaimed Maya.
“Now get your gear on, don’t forget your mask,” explained Drew
“I’m not that clueless!” Maya practically shouted.
“Just checking,” Drew said jokingly.
“ Ha-ha very funny,” stated Maya
“Okay what really helps in fencing is quick feet, when you're walking backwards try not to trip. That’s what my coach, Tim, taught me to do. He also told me to keep the fencing sword low to your hips. Okay, let’s try this!” exclaimed Drew.
“Like this?” questioned Maya.
“Perfect, you’re a natural!” shouted Drew.
“She was actually going really good, for a first timer. I wonder how she can do this, she could probably actually beat me,” Drew thought.
“On guard!” shrieked Maya.
“Wait, what!?” questioned Drew.
“Hah! I got you. I won! I am the best victor alive!” screamed Maya.
“Okay, okay, you won, wait till next time!” said Drew.
“Well the victor has to go home now, see you tomorrow,” stated Maya.
“Okay. See you later,” replied Drew.

When Maya got back to her palace, supper was all ready; shrimp and a three layer chocolate cake. It looked so mouthwatering she almost shoved her face into the cake, but she decided that would be very unladylike of her to do that.

After dinner Maya had a ballet lesson. She didn't want to go but she had to. She kept wondering about what her father had said earlier, “Once you get older you won’t go there anymore.” It was distracting her from dancing and keeping her balance. Maya also wondered if Drew’s dad had ever said anything like what her dad had said.
“I think you need to go to bed, Maya,” stated Amy, her coach, interrupting Maya from her thoughts.
“Huh? What did you say?” Maya questioned.
“You aren't very focused, I think you need to go to bed,” Amy restated.
“Um, okay, see you tomorrow, Amy,” Maya said wearily.
“See ya! Get some rest,” replied Amy.

Maya did her bedtime ritual; Shower, put pajamas on, brush teeth, brush hair, then go to bed. She was just about to go to bed when she saw a shadowy figure outside her window, she shot up to see who or what it was; once she got to the window it was gone, just like that. Shrugging things off ran in the family, so that's exactly what she did, and then fell right to sleep.

“Do you think I did a good job teaching Maya how to fence when you were watching?” Drew asked Tyler and Erin.
“I would say you did a pretty good job!” exclaimed Erin.
“I guess,” Tyler stated.
“That’s all I get is, “I guess”?” questioned Drew.
“Well, you didn't get permission for her to come over and when you’re older you won’t be seeing her anymore,” replied Tyler.
“Wait! What? She is my best friend!” Drew screamed.
“Listen, things change, people change too, don’t worry about it. You will understand once you’re older,” explained Tyler
“But why?” Drew questioned.
“Nobody knows, now go to bed it’s late,” Tyler stated.
“Okay good night,” Drew said.

Before Drew went to bed, he also thought about what his father had said. It kind of kept him up for awhile, along with a shadowy figure that he had saw in the trees while coaching Maya; he thought it was a hawk, they had a lot of big ones around lately.

Eight years later…

Maya trained harder than ever and she doesn't know why, apparently she is put into a competition in a year, against Drew. She still thinks about Drew and how she used to be his best friend. She knows she needs to forget him, but not about what her father told her about his family.

“Here is the thing Maya, you can’t see Drew anymore, you have no idea what his family is like. You may think Drew is different from them but he really isn't, it's in his blood. Your grandfather was put into this “competition” and Drew’s grandfather supposedly killed him, because your grandfather won. I think you should keep training but not in front of his house, where you usually do it, because you have more room. Do you understand?” Mason explained.
“So all this work I am doing is going down the drain?” Maya asked.
“No! You are a princess, and you need the self-defense, I want you to keep training, though,” stated Mason.
“Fine,” Maya said.

And with that she left. She was a little mad, but after all, her life was on the line. Once she stopped talking to Drew everything changed. They weren't friends, they would exchange glances every once in awhile, but that was all. It didn't feel right not talking to Drew, he always gave her good advice and helped her with homework.

Maya hated thinking of what her father had said earlier, but it made her stronger. Training always made her feel better, so that’s exactly what she did. Gymnastics was her get away, she decided to do it outside because it was very nice out. Maya did a back handspring and stuck the landing, she was proud. Again, she was going to do another one but, out of nowhere somebody grabbed her, she screamed, nobody came. She kept fighting back but realized it was no use, she gave up. They blindfolded her and dragged her into a car, it smelled weird at first.. Every time she would struggle they would tighten a rope around her and it hurt. There was someone next to her. Wait it was Drew! She could smell the sweet cologne he always used.
“Drew, it’s Maya,” Maya whispered.
“Maya it’s you! Listen there are only two guys, we can take them out.” Drew whispered back.
The car stopped.
“Okay, once we get out. Count to three; then we attack,” Maya said. She was a little nervous working with Drew because of what Mason had said about Drew’s grandfather....but she overcame that feeling.
“Sounds like a plan,” stated Drew.

Once they were out of the van; they counted “1…2…3” Maya ripped off her blindfolds, as did Drew; from there she felt sorry for the people that kidnapped them. Maya and Drew were black belts in karate, they kicked, slapped, punched and pinched until the people who kidnapped them were gone. Just so they would be sure no one would get them, they hid behind a bush.

“You saved my life,” Maya said.
“Not really, but that’s my job,” Drew stated.
“Your job, huh?” Maya questioned.
“I guess,” he whispered.
“Well thank you!” she exclaimed.
“No problem, now we should leave,” Drew explained.
“Okay, listen I miss talking to you,” Maya spoke sadly.
“I miss it too, our parents just don’t understand,” he said.
“I know.” Maya replied.
Out of nowhere Drew kissed her, the butterflies were going crazy, she was freaking out! Her parents will understand, Drew was different; he wasn’t like his grandfather. He was the one for her. Her parents may be mad, but you can’t break up a couple if they love each other.
“Where have you been young lady!?” Mason demanded. As Maya walked through the door, with a bruise on her cheek, “And why is there a bruise on your face?”
“Yeah,um funny story...I was just training outside because it was super nice outside. It was so peaceful and I was like attacked, well kidnapped. I screamed and nobody came, trust me I was freaking out! They put a blindfold on me and dragged me to a van, hence this bruise on my cheek. When they put me there I realized that there was another person next to me, I figured he was my age because he wasn't too big. I don't know why but it felt like it was Drew next to me, the only way I could tell was by his scent. When we used to hang out I had gotten used to how he smelled so I knew it was him in the van. Then the van stopped, and I told Drew it was me, so we made a plan to attack on three. We did, and we defeated them, but they escaped. Listen I know you guys don't want me seeing Drew, but I think I love him. He is different from his family, I know he is, you don't know him like I do. This is my life, not yours, you're lucky I came to you guys first to talk about this, okay?” Maya explained.
“Okay, I’m just going to let this one slide...I am going to trust you on this. Maybe he is different from his parents, I have never gotten the chance to meet this kid, I guess I am just judging a book by its cover,” Mason stated.
“Are you being serious? Oh my gosh, I am so excited, I love you guuuys!” Maya exclaimed.
“Yes.” Mason replied.
10 years later...
Drew and Maya got married, Mason, Tyler, Ali, and Erin all got along for this special occasion. Drew and Maya were so excited that their parents would actually let them get married. They ended up going on their honeymoon and had a kid; they're parents loved being grandparents together, and they lived happily ever after.

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