My Make up Story | Teen Ink

My Make up Story

April 5, 2013
By BSchott BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
BSchott BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One time I had a hurt ankle and everyone had asked me what had happened. No one knew the real story besides me. I told them that I got in a car accident and a car hit me. Who knew it was so easy to lie until you actually could have a believable story. I went on and on with lies. This is the story I told them. I was walking down the street when, CRASH! I was hit! The car tried stopping but not good enough! U could have died it was so close. The hit my leg but my anle was the hurt one. I didnt know what to do so the guy who hit me called 911. The rushed me to the hospital and told me I hurt my ankle. It was a very boring ending but it had to be believable. So I stuck with that story. This is my makeup story.

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