The House Across the Street | Teen Ink

The House Across the Street

March 19, 2013
By kmedwards BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
kmedwards BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a witchy - house: the low - slung roof; that quiet gray paint; those squinting, shuttered windows and the empty porch rocker that rocked, rocked, rocked day and night. That house had been empty for as long as Sam could remember. Sam had lived here his whole life. When he played basketball with the neighborhood kids, they told stories. Stories about murder and mystery that gave Sam the shivers. Stories about an old woman who lived there for years and never left the house. Her husband disappeared and left her on her own. Stories said she murdered her husband for his money. His mom told him not to believe the stories but Sam was never sure. He would look out his window to see the porch rocker rocking and he would wonder what really happened to the house. Sam had been curious his whole life. Always getting into more trouble than his brother, Alec. Sam was amazing at basketball and played in the driveway with his best friend, Bryan, everyday.
It was a normal Friday afternoon, Sam finished his homework and met Bryan outside. The weather was warm and the sky was clear. The boys played until the sun began to sink. They sat down on the porch and watched as the sun disappeared behind the trees. As they sat there, a small, black car drove slowly by, turned around and parked in front of the house across the street.
The car door swung open and slowly an older man got out. He walked up to house and stood there, just taking the house in. Slowly, he walked up the steps to the porch. When he got to the door, he reached up and touched the handle but did not open the door. Instead he turned around and looked at the gaping boys. “Well stop staring and come here.” Sam immediately began to walk across the street, as if he was in trance. Bryan paused, a little more cautious. He walked up to the man and stood staring. Who is this man and why is here. “Who are you?” Sam asked the man. “My name is Ralph and I am Jean’s older brother, the lady who lived here before... before...” The man began but couldn’t finish. So many questions were running through Sam’s mind but all he could say was, “What happened to her?” Ralph took a deep, shaky breath and he began. “My sister always did things differently. She was always getting into trouble because she was too curious. Jean never listened to my parents, she wasn’t a bad kid but she was very independent. That’s why, when she met this man and my mother told her to stay away, she didn’t,” The man seemed lost in his story, remembering every detail,”She married him... they ran away together and I never saw her again,” He paused, letting the story sink in, “I remember it all so clearly. Like it was yesterday. She called, it was the first time I’d heard from her since she left... She talked fast, softly, begging. All I could make out was ‘RUN. They came for him, they are coming for me and they will come for you.’ All I knew was she needed help and I could not save her. I ran to the nearest town and I stayed hidden there for weeks on end. Desperate to know about her but helpless. Finally, she called. Again, she spoke softly and quickly. ‘He’s been gone for ten years, Ralph. They found him and wanted revenge. I ran and I hid, never leaving the house, but they have found me. Run, Ralph. Run while you can.” The man sat there, as if telling the story was too much. Slowly, he continued, “She is gone. I don’t know why, but I plan to find out. I plan to get revenge and I need your help.” As he finished, Sam smiled, “I’m in.”

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