New Assassin Creed | Teen Ink

New Assassin Creed

March 8, 2013
By juan bertolini BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
juan bertolini BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Assassin Creed IV

“I not sure how long its been since my father was killed by cold blood by the evil templar Mark”. Now im twenty-two years old in the assassin older a year after the revolution war. Now I will get my revenge against Mark.
Well there’s a few of the assassin of us left with Connor our leader and teacher of my father Ray im Jason the new assassin.
“Jason I want to give you something that your father told me to give with you” Connor said.
“Today I will start my training to become a assassin” Ray told his father. The next day on my tenth birthday their was an attack on my father at midnight. That was the first time I kill an man. Mother was there when I stab the man right in the eye with the blade the one of the man father kill. I heard something crack so I ran down stairs to see but mother follow me. When I got their I saw father fighting to men in the same time. Father got one of them down on his back in cut his throat. Be the other man was behind him in stab him in his heart in front of mother and me. I went to Connor back tothe underground headquarters under fort hill.
“Connor when can I go to kill Mark” Connor said.
“Well this meeting is over” said Connor. Well I left feeling my blood was on fire because Connor wouldn’t let me go. But as soon as I got to the door it was crack like somebody was listening to our conversation.
Well im going to the templar headquarters in Rome, Italy to kill Mark. Well I got my black boots, my black jeans, black shirt, and my black jacket with my beak hood. I also got my hidden blade, my pistols, a ax, and some poison. I believe this will work because ill go in the cloak of the night.
“Well well you are here to kill me are you not Jason”. I stab Mark the arm, and the face. But I let Mark life so I ran to the roof before he called for back up. I was already in the roof when I saw an eagle flying high in the sky.

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