Lucky | Teen Ink


December 18, 2012
By jenniferflores BRONZE, Garland, Texas
jenniferflores BRONZE, Garland, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sha Reemdy arrived at Saturn Street. “I’m excited to see my new house!” ,she said . Especially because she needs her new room. She really wants to decorate her room with all the stuffs she likes. Her parents are going to get dinner, but she rather stay and finishing decorating her room. Since Sha Reemdy stayed home decorating, her parents approached. They went to the animal store came back and kept it on the basement. Days passed, her parents been hiding her present. She wanted to know what it was. Days passed and Christmas arrived. She got a dog. Suddenly the dog wasn’t there, he disappear. Sha Reemdy got so sad, her parents couldn’t solve it unless they bought her a new dog, so they did and this time she named it lucky. Maybe the name will give her luck to not get lost again.

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