Invaders | Teen Ink


December 16, 2012
By Admir BRONZE, St.louis, Missouri
Admir BRONZE, St.louis, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


Standing across the corrupted room with my six year-old Brother beside me, was a suspicious looking figure. Glaring at each other for only a few seconds started the conflict. It furiously thrust bricks at us that had fallen off of the wall from the attack earlier. We didn’t know what to do except run and hide from the perpetual rain of bricks. I didn’t really know what else to expect. I had to protect him. Out of nowhere, my natural instinct came in. Beside me stood a hammer the size of my head and in one swing, the creature fell to the floor and shriveled up. After that incident we didn’t know if any more was to come. We hid for days unnoticed in that very room until one day, we were found by what looks to be an army of some sort. A shadow figure steps out of the crows towards us, and motions with his weapon towards the door. We trailed behind the pack for days into the un-known jungle. On the forth day, we were being ambushed. Lasers flying and trees crashing to the ground, we didn’t have enough time to register what was going on. Panic was hitting the group and soon chaos erupted. All over, strange noises were being heard over the sound of the crashing waterfall. All you could see through the pitch-black smoke was figures hopping from branch to branch, getting closer by the second. Troops running, some even screaming for their lives, were being picked off one by one. We were grabbed and thrown into what looks to be a holding cell between two over-sized tree roots. Strange voices were heard echoing between the two iron walls. Suddenly, the voices stopped and ground started to tremble. We couldn’t make out what was happening on the outside. Nothing could be seen or hear once within the iron walls. Ringing ears followed by debris flying everywhere was the cause of this silence. In a split second we were sent crashing to the floor wondering what had caused this incident. We stand up to be encountered by a corrupted wall and a strange figure stepping through. The cadaverous figure was obviously not from this planet. Orange skin, wrinkly face, and the barbaric features sent fright through our bones. I didn’t know what to do. We stood there, glaring at each other in horror. The figure lead out a high pitch screech and bombarded us with waves of bricks. We didn’t know what to do except run and hide. My natural instinct came in; I had to protect my brother.

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