The Nutcracker | Teen Ink

The Nutcracker

December 14, 2012
By Love_Owls BRONZE, Garland, Texas
Love_Owls BRONZE, Garland, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

All I wanted was to get out of that cardboard box. I wanted to show off my white as snow beard, my shiny red coat, and my shiny black boots. But I have to wait until it’s close to Christmas day. That’s when they call me to do my job, to guard the Christmas tree. So while, I wait I’m stuck in the box all spring, summer, and fall so I guess I’ll hang around with the rest of the ornaments.
But that one snowy day, they got me out of the box and put me by the decorated tree. I stood there very presentable for everyone who came and see me. My commanders came in and order’’ Now young man guard the tree …ok .’’ Later on, the humongous, brown monster started growling. He treated me very bad he will try to play with me as if I looked like some kind of toy.
One dark, snowy day the monster came in the room I guarded that night and as he walked to me .
He pushed me to the ground and ‘’CRASH ! ’’ I fell to the ground… As my commander heard they came in and the little girl solider yelled ‘’ My NUTCRACKER !’’

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