Aurthrian Legend | Teen Ink

Aurthrian Legend

December 9, 2012
By Anonymous

Arthurian Legend

As the sun set King Arthur rode on his majestic horse up to the wicked fairies mansion. The second he knocked on the door an evil fairy quickly opened the door open gesturing the King inside. The witch fairy, directed King Arthur to a comfy seat, and out of nowhere she turned herself into a fire-breathing dragon. King Arthur, startled, jumped up in horror, “What is going on Morgan!” With no answer, Morgan spits a fireball straight towards the King. He hesitated but, somehow he managed to barley miss the flame. Still quite confused, Arthur didn’t know what to do.
The only reason he had showed up to her mansion was because he had received a letter saying that the answer to how to have the perfect kingdom. He would do anything to find this answer. His kingdom was not turning into the picture he had envisioned when he began his rule as king. Nothing was perfect the way he wanted, and no one seemed to understand his goals. The only solution that seemed possible at this moment he thought was right in front of him.
Morgan le Fay had known what Arthur was seeking and decided to get rid of him once and for all. (After all, he was the one who had beaten her and released all of her prisoners free and Morgan is not the type of person that just carries on whenever she is made a fool of.) With Arthur still standing in shock, Morgan shot another fireball towards King Arthur, this time hitting him square in the face. Instead of the King burning to the ground, something magical happened. As the fire kissed the skin of King Arthur’s forehead, the fire expanded over his whole body, ascending him into there, like a trap. “AHAHAHAHAHA!!!” exclaimed the dragon fairy. Arthur still not sure on what is happening, suddenly remember what Merlyn had taught him to do whenever he had caught on fire. In the mist of the moment, Arthur drew at his sword and started vigorously waving it back and forth cutting the mystical fire open, like a doorway giving him his entrance to victory. Arthur confident on what to do next jumped down to the ground charging his enemy with his sharpest sword. The dragon, with her quick reflexes flew up in the air hoping to land right on the King. Dodging the dragon’s feet, Arthur slammed into the bookcase filled with Morgan’s various potions. Lifting his sword into the air, Morgan the dragon landed straight on the weapon. Screaming in pain, Morgan vanished. King Arthur, stood in amazement taking in what had happened in the past few minutes.
As King Arthur trotted away from the mansion feeling better about his kingdom than when he had entered. No, he did not find his letter with all of the answers on how to make his citizen’s lives, but he did gain some of his confidence back. Knowing that after he had defeated the witch Morgan le Fay, he feels he can conquer any problem that is in his way. He knew that his trip to the deep forest was definitely worth it in the end. Confidence is very important to any person, knight, or King but especially for Arthur.

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