Normal Life | Teen Ink

Normal Life

October 12, 2012
By Anonymous

As Rainsford was standing over General Zaroffs bed. Rainsford was thinking of ways to kill him, after Zaroff hunted him for days. Rainsford believed he should die. Suddenly Zaroff woke; he was frightened by Rainsfords appearance. Zaroff had a feeling that something bad was going to happen. He jumped out of bed so timid he couldn’t move. The lights were off in this case no one could see anything. Rainsford attacked Zaroff and held a knife to his throat, but he didn’t harm him. He decided he would do something more extravagant. Rainsford was in total control now that he had already gotten rid of Ivan. Rainsford took Zaroff by his shirt and hung him on the wall by a nail. Rainsford could immediately see the fear in Zaroffs eyes, and he knew that he wasn’t going to try to escape. Rainsford decided to grab everyone still left in the woods that Zaroff had been hunting. As they were approaching the house he could hear the sounds of the now insane men chanting “ we want to kill you, you are a dead man, you have no right to be alive”. Zaroff knew his life was over. He could hear the sizzzzle of the torches as the men were approaching the room. They broke down the door and stormed in. Zaroff had tortured these men enough and now it was his turn. They decided they would hunt him. They hunted him for days and days but they were very nice to him, which was strange. It confused Zaroff which was the plan. They had ended up making him go insane. They were showing him what it felt like to be hunted, Zaroff from that day forward never hunted, fished, touched a gun, harmed anything or anyone. He started working in a grocery store a couple miles from the island he had lived all his life. The island was abanned and it was said that no one lived there. Zaroff was a normal person now and lived like anyone else; free, but some say that on that island there’s still someone out there hunting for that one special hunt.


This article has 1 comment.

Lydiaa said...
on Nov. 30 2012 at 1:26 pm
Lydiaa, Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina
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