Keyboard | Teen Ink


May 21, 2012
By Charle5 GOLD, West Windsor, New Jersey
Charle5 GOLD, West Windsor, New Jersey
11 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work." -Aritsotle

After you arrive home, you run upstairs and get on your computer.
You want to escape the darkness. To do so, you try to open your windows, but they’re stuck. It would be nice to have some widgets to help you operate the windows. You decide that the song playing is too good to end, so you press the replay button. Soon enough, your mom comes in.

“When are you going to move forward with your homework, sweetie?” she asks.

You want her to just shut up, but you know you can’t say that. “I’ll get to it,” you murmur.

“When I come back,” screams your mom, “you’d better be done with that work!”

You eject her from your room and continue drawing squiggly lines on your homework. Let’s see, one times the quantity of two plus three ... This is too easy. Although your forehead pounds, you moved on. Fifty-six times eighty-seven divided by ninety. Easy, but your laziness gets the best of you, and you log on to YouTube. On the top video of the day, you turn on caps lock and start ranting about how YouTube will never return to its old self, and it needs to delete all of these terrible videos. Your shift key feels lonely, along with all of the other punctuation keys, for you are one who ignores proper grammar.

Now comes a few options: either take control of your brain and command it to do homework, or let it drift into outer space. You choose the latter. Up comes the YouTube tab, again.

The author's comments:
Read this piece. Then look at your keyboard.


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