The Adventur of the Tater Tot | Teen Ink

The Adventur of the Tater Tot

December 19, 2011
By Anonymous

The little crumby tater tot was full of adventure. His best friend and him were going on one of their great adventures that took the whole day. They would tell their boring parents the stories. "You're growing up now tater tot, you shouldn't be such a silly boy!" Tater Tot and his best friend Mike (a blue and yellow penguin) were going to the great island of writers on the foggy morning. "Are you ready Tater Tot?" Mike pushed his glasses on the top of his nose. After hours of the harsh weather, they decided to have some lunch. Mike packed a salmon and shrimp sandwich. Even though Mike was a bit chubby, Tater Tot never mentioned it for he himself was a bit chubby too. Tater Tot packed his mother's famous mac and cheese. Then, off they both went walking and telling each other their favorite adventures. "Mine was when we fought pirates with our mighty swords on Skull Shores." Tater Tot talked on and on. Step by step they were getting closer to the island. Soon, they reached the shore. Various writers held pens and notepads writing down notes every second."Hello young penguin!" Mike turned around to see J.K. Rowling smiling at him. His face looked like a cherry as he waved to her. World famous writers were on this island. Suzanne Collins, James Pattinson, Roald Dahl, Heather Vogel Fredrick, Kate DiCamillo. You could name them all. The two friends stayed for a while and soon began their journey back to their own cozy houses. As they both came back to their houses, they gave a warm hug to their parents and instead of telling the adults about their story, they went up to their rooms and into their snug bed. They both went fast asleep.

The author's comments:
I was messing with my older sister. I soon became very hungry and thought of Sonic's greasy tater tots. Yum! I also thought of the little penguin "Mike" by thinking about my 2nd favorite t.v. show in the world. ADVENTURE TIME! I as well started thinking about the Ice Kings pet Gunter. (Most people will probably have no clue what i'm talking about)

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