The Pen | Teen Ink

The Pen

November 5, 2010
By Class14 BRONZE, Acworth, Georgia
Class14 BRONZE, Acworth, Georgia
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Girls are like cell phones, We love to be held and talked to but if you press the wrong button you get disconnected.

I knew even though I didn’t want to I had to. It was go or get kicked out, so I went. I walked out of Kell that cold day knowing I couldn’t go home. I needed to go to Washington. It was my mother’s birthday in a month and I had to get her a pen. Not the kind you write with but the kind you wear. It’s my fault the pen is in Washington. I pond it and some guy named Edward found it. Now I need to get it back. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and hopped on my segway (I didn’t have enough money for a car) and started my journey.
The first place I went was Washington DC, Maryland. It took me 4 days to get there and I was starving and exhausted. I have some friends there but I really went to DC the get the papers saying the pen was mine from the president (this pen is worth a lot). After I passed the lie detector test and a DNA test the president handed me the papers and told me to protect them with my life. I agreed and then the First Lady invited me to diner. It was fabulous and with strange new foods from all over the world. When I was full and about to leave the president told me it was far too late at night to leave and I needed to stay the night. I declined the offer but when he showed me the room and the soft bed I couldn’t get to sleep fast enough. The next morning I left before anyone in the White House woke up.
The next day around that time I found myself in New York, New York. I was riding my segway around the city looking for something cheap to eat when a shady looking man peaked out of an ally and spotted me. “Ay, come ‘ere” He barked in a very New York accent still starring at me.

“What do you want?” I replied feeling weary of what was to come.

“Oh nothing bad” he assured coming out of the ally allowing me to see he was a poor old man “I was just wondering if you could spare something for a poor, old, homeless, man.”

I really did want to help but I only had a few dollars and I had a long way to go, “no Sir. I’m sorry but I barely have enough money for me.”

“But my poor family is starving and we don’t have a home and my chil……”

“Ok, Ok I’ll give you some money just please leave me alone I have to keep walking!”

“Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you so much! My wife and children will pray for you tonight and...”

I quickly said “you’re welcome” and hurried away. When I was almost to the boarder of New York and Pennsylvania I found a news paper and decided to take a break and read the news. I was literally struck dumb when I saw the article on the front page.
The Tourist Terrorist
A man in his late 50’s/ early 60’s has been hiding all over New York City hustling all the tourist in the area. He pretends to be a poor sickly man with a wife and kids who are homeless and without food. If you see this man (there was a picture below) contact the police information office at (212)555 9876. The reward for any information is $500 and the reward for a correct identity is $1000. Please call if you know anything at all.
The page said more but I crumpled it up and headed back on my way. As I was riding I was thinking about how hungry I was and that awful man who stole my money. I was riding in a blind rage.
As I was riding I saw signs saying “Worlds Best Cheese” and “Free Dairy Products” they said to go to Wisconsin so I did. In 3 days I made it to Wisconsin and I went to every free tasting building I saw and stayed a night in the shelter. After I was rested and relaxed I was happy to continue. I didn’t spend long in Wisconsin but on the way to Washington it was my favorite stop.
When I finally made it to Forks, Washington I was ecstatic. Finding the famous Edward Cullen made the 19 day trip of starving a sleep deprivation totally worth it. We were at Forks High School in the back cafeteria corner talking when Alice came over wearing my broach. “Hi Alice” I squeaked scared to ask her for the broach back but also so excited to see her in person.

“Hi Sarah. How are you?” she chimed back in a sing-songy voice.

I was about to answer when I saw her looking at Edward and his lips moving so fast I could only see a faint vibration. I knew they were talking about something I wasn’t allowed to hear. I sat for what seemed like an hour then they looked back to me. I was Edward who spoke first.

“Sorry to keep you waiting but I was just filling Alice in on what we were discussing. She said…”

“I said” Alice cut in “that if I see the papers then you can have the broach back” she looked down at it and started twirling the silver oval around in her fingers.

I reach in my back pocket for the papers but they are not there. I check in my bag and still they’re nowhere to be found. “I can’t find them”. I start to panic and I can feel the cold sweat forming on my head when I hear someone walking up behind me so out of instinct I whirl around and almost smacked a short girl who looked terrified of me in the face.

She whispered “I think you dropped this” then held out my papers.

“Thank you” I breathed overjoyed.

“No problem” she replied while backing away.

I turned around and handed Alice the papers. After she and Edward deliberated for a while trying to make sure the papers were real then she put the oval broach in to a tiny black jewelry box and handed it to me.

“It’s yours now. Don’t lose it.” She giggled the last part but I knew it was serious.

The Cullen’s loaned me their boat and a driver and I was gone.
As soon as I got on the ship I found a bed and went to sleep. I was having a dream where I won the lottery when I was jerked awake by an abrupt shake of the boat and an earsplitting shriek. I ran up the stairs and out on the deck to find the driver gone and the yellow eyed, blood stained mouth of a monster glaring at me. “Oh crap” was my only comment. I ran to the wheel and started driving as fast as I could. The monster came at me and I ran inside I knew this wouldn’t end good so I started looking for a life preserver. As I threw down a book $500 fell out. I knew if I made it out alive I would need the money so I picked it up and kept looking. At the time I found a life vest the monster slug his body on the ship crumbling it and stabbing himself. I strapped on the life vest and started to wait.

I waited 5 days until I reached dry land which happened to be in San Diego. I told them my story and how I sleighed the monster so they call me a hereon and though me a parade. It was wonderful being treated like royalty but my mom’s birthday was in 5 days and I needed to get home so I took the private plane and started the 3 day flight home.I decided to stop by Tennessee to pick up some of my family. My mother missed them and since it was on the way and the day before her birthday I decided it would be fun. I loaded them all up in the plane and we finished the fight and got back to Georgia at 2:37 am the day of my mom’s birthday.
Now I’m here at my mother’s party and I just finished telling my journey. “here mom” I reach out my hand and give her the broach.

“It’s amazing!” she said in complete honesty.

I had gotten her many gifts before but that was her simple yet important reaction to the best gift I ever got her.


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