"Atttack of the FameMonster." | Teen Ink

"Atttack of the FameMonster."

December 2, 2009
By FameMonster. BRONZE, Bellaire, Ohio
FameMonster. BRONZE, Bellaire, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:

One night I was doing my homework untill I herd noses but did not no what they were.So I go down stairs to dee what it was but I did'ent see nothin untill I turned around and someone grabbed me and started to stabb me.Then I turned around and started to scream for help then my nextdoor neighbor came over and got a gun and shot the guy that was on me.The guy was known as the FameMonster because All the jerwls he was wearing and that he killed famous people.Well he's dead now and Im goingt o sleep.....THE END HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS ARTICAL THERE WILL BE A BETTER ONE IN 2 DAYS TAHNKS....

The author's comments:
Well my mom said that I should write something scary so I did and i cam up with the FameMonster hope u all enjoyed this aritcal thanks......


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