Racing With ADHD | Teen Ink

Racing With ADHD

September 30, 2022
By RACECAR2 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
RACECAR2 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Last night I dreamt, the sun was beating down on me, it felt like a billion little fires forming on my skin. I was a rallycross driver, and I was getting myself prepared for the big race with mere minutes away. I checked out my car to make sure everything was working properly and everything seemed pretty valid. Nervousness was consuming me and I closed my eyes to calm myself. When I opened them, Dwayne, The Rock Johnson was standing in front of me. “You got this!” he exclaimed. “Think of all of your other successors, Rosa parks, Picasso, or even me, they all achieved success with persistence and perseverance.” he lightly jabbed me in the shoulder, handed me an egg McMuffin. “I can’t eat th…” he was gone. I finally got into my rally car with my saddle brown interior and took a sip of my sonic sour Nos energy drink. I drove up to the starting line and waited, a typhoon of emotions washed over me. I scanned the crowd looking for motivation and I weirdly saw my ex-girlfriend Lauryn Vierck in the stands, I shook my head and looked again. “There she is.” I thought to myself. I was staring at my girlfriend, “Oh her eyes make the stars look like they aren’t shining.”. Feeling all warm inside, I was ready to start the race. The green flag swung, and the race was off. It was just a circle dirt track, but it was around this huge puddle that looked like the Persian Gulf. The water swirled and imagined megalodons chasing sea turtles. I was rounding the last portion of the penultimate lap in first place, my red size 10.5 vans hard on the gas. I crossed the finish line in the fastest time, I was victorious!

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