The Brotherhood | Teen Ink

The Brotherhood

February 24, 2019
By Jaquese53 BRONZE, Madison, Nebraska
Jaquese53 BRONZE, Madison, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a dark and cold night. The dew was still on the grass. The year is 2020. Jaquese and his fellow members of the Brotherhood were out in the streets of London. They were on a mission. Their assignment was to assassinate a certain person that called himself Thanos.  Thanos wanted to make the world his throne. He wanted to rule it on his terms. If he didn’t get his way he threatened to cause World War 3. Thanos was a man of his word, he had his private military army start building a hydrogen bomb capable of sinking a continent. The brotherhood didn’t like this. As an attack the Brotherhood decided that they should disarm the bomb as soon as possible. It was being built at one of Thanos’ outposts. So the Brotherhood sent out their elite assassins to go and disarm the bomb. Also collect as much info as possible. They knew if they failed they would be in a lot of trouble with the headmaster who was Jaquese’s father.  They had gotten in easily but the hard part was getting past the guards. One of the guards had shot Jaquese in the hand. Jaquese took one of his silenced pistols and shot him. The guard fell without a noise. Finally they had found the room where the plans were being kept for the bomb and the rest of the bases. Now they just had to find the secrets in there. While they were looking, Jaquese’s old friend Meliodas ket joking with him. It took them about 2 hours before they found the plans. Then they had to hurry and get out before anyone noticed the bodies.

The next day Jaquese got up out of bed. He went downstairs and made himself some coffee. He lived with his girlfriend. Her name was Madilyn. She say how his hand was badly hurt. She asked what had happened the night before. Jaquese explained that the plan hadn't gone smoothly like they hoped for. But before Jaquese could finish his story, the phone rang. When Jaquese answered it, the person on the other line said it was from the Brotherhood, they said that his father was killed on a mission. Jaquese couldn’t believe it. His father, dead?  The man on the phone said that since his father was headmaster of the brotherhood, he would be the next headmaster in line for this leadership. The man explained that his father died while fighting Thanos. He had hurt Thanos pretty badly but thanos threw him in a pool of lava. Jaquese felt hatred and rage toward Thanos for killing his father.

After the funeral, Jaquese took up his rightful place as Headmaster of the Assassins. He also had the respects of all the members of the brotherhood. He appointed Madilyn as his second in command.    He went on many missions to stop Thanos. He ended up fighting him a few times. Each time he fought him he got better and better. He ended up having an IQ of 190. He was determined to beat Thanos once and for all. He was going to finish what his father started and died doing. He wasn't going to give up. He wanted to avenge him. He lied awake at nights crying sometimes. He would stay out late and keep training.

One day while Jaquese was training, one of his advisers came and got him. He said it was urgent. Jaquese guessed it as about the reports on Thanos. His guess was 100% accurate. His adviser told him that he had some agents out in the field and they saw him and reported it in right away. Jaquese knew this was his only chance to avenge his father. He had been training for this for the past 3 months. So he went and got his best armour and assassin robes. He got his Aws and moded it to his liking and grabbed a FAS 50.00 and modded it also to his liking. He put on his hidden blades, and grabbed two small daggers and the sword of eden. All these weapons would help him in his battle. Thanos was at the nation’s capital demanding that power be given to him and if anyone disagreed with him they would die. So headmaster Jaquese arrived just as Thanos was about to kill one of the senators. The assassin got his attention and so Thanos would leave them alone. And go after him instead. Thanos started charging at the assassin at a bulls speed. The assassin seemingly knowing his moves, kept dodging his attacks. Thanos was really getting annoyed by this. So Thanos decided he would take the party outside and threw him outside. Thanos was happier that he had more room to fight him and then he started to pumble him into the ground.   He began to just repeatedly throw punches but the assassin was narrowly dodging each incoming attack. Jaquese was finally able to kick him off of him and took the Sword of Eden ( yes he still has it) and hit Thanos with it sending him flying to the washington Monument. He was able t get a few good hits off of Thanos but it wasn’t enough to beat him. Thanos landed 53 consecutive punches on Jaquese and sent him flying through the White House. But jaquese had surprise for Thanos because, he was going to set off his hydrogen bomb, he told him that the Assassins disarmed it and there was no point in trying to do it. Thanos was outraged and tried to punch the assassin but he then felt a sharp punch in his chest. Thanos looked down to see the sacred Sword of Eden stuck in his chest. He knew what this meant for him. The sword was meant to kill terrorist or anything bad. And Thanos was really bad. Thanos knew it was the end for him and he failed at what he wanted to accomplish. He vowed that there would be another to take his place. He said that there was more to him than the evil.


After the fight with Thanos, Jaquese and the other assassins rebuilt washington dc. They helped rebuild the white house and the washington monument. It took 2 whole years before it was completed. Jaquese still is Headmaster of The assassins. He goes to planet fitness 6 times every week. Jaquese’s mother did eventually die of old age and of natural causes. Meliodas did end up finding a girl and her name was Alivia. They did end up getting married. They got married on April 5, 2035. Jaquese and the rest of the Assassins did get special recognition in front of the whole United States for saving them from a dictator that was a bad guy.  Jaquese did finally have the courage to ask his girlfriend to marry him. She gladly accepted and they got married on October 23, 2030. And now they have 3 kids and they all want to be like their father, An assassin. But in another part of the world there was another person who was determined to rule the world…… and maybe he might get his wish…the guys name was Ultras and he hated Jaquese with a burning passion and wanted nothing more than to watch him suffer He watched that he wouldn't be like Thanos and fall by the Sword of Eden ,no He would forge his own sword and cast an enchantment on it and making it so he and only he could wield that sword. So this guy is bad and he hates jaquese and he wants to kill him and Jaquese knowing how to beat him and probably wil because he will visit his dad in the next life but come back just to kill Ultra. Then ultra will die. But because people like him better than Thanos his son Ultron will try and vanquish the world into darkness and he does succeed actually for about 3 months then the military and the assassins unite together to stop Ultron. Ultron does sirusly harm Jaquese and his family but Jaquise doesn’t give up and ends up killing Ultron. Ultron gets defeated and then the people live in utter Harmony.

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