Westfield State | Teen Ink

Westfield State MAG

By Anonymous

   Westfield, MA: Recently I attended a "Wednesday at Westfield" program. It included a campus tour, information session, and a chance to visit a classroom.

The ride to Westfield from Saugus took approximately two hours. The college was easy to find and the campus was beautiful. The small campus accommodates five dormitories and residence halls and two classroom buildings.

The college offers 23 majors in the liberal arts field. The most popular major at Westfield is criminal justice. The dormitories and residence halls are the nicest I've seen. They were not huge but seemed comfortable. The buildings themselves were clean and attractive.

The atmosphere of the college was very friendly and it seemed most kids knew each other. Since the campus is not that big, students were friendly, sort of a high school setting.

Westfield is one of the more competitive state schools to get into. They accept only about 53% of their applicants.

Overall, I felt my visit to Westfield was worthwhile. I got a feel for the campus and its beautiful setting. I enjoyed my visit. n

Reviewed in 1991

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i love this !