New Hampshire College | Teen Ink

New Hampshire College MAG

By Anonymous

   Manchester, NH: New Hampshire College, founded in 1932, is a small, private, business-oriented college set on two campuses, a smaller "North Campus" in Hooksett, NH, and the larger, main "South Campus" in Manchester. NHC contains three different divisions within the college: the Division of Business, the Division of Liberal Arts, and the Division of Hospitality Administration and Culinary Arts. The school, with an undergraduate enrollment of 1200 (80% of whom live on campus), offers twenty-five different majors, most are business-related. However, NHC has recently expanded, and now features the five liberal arts areas as well. In addition to these majors, there are ten areas of concentration for those who choose the Business Studies major, and four areas of concentration for those studying teacher education, offering more flexibility.

The campus itself is situated in more of a rural setting, yet is just five minutes from downtown Manchester, New Hampshire's largest city, with a population of over 100,000. Students live on the South Campus in either dormitories, apartments or townhouses. The buildings on campus, with a few exceptions, are relatively compact, with almost everything located in one central area. As far as activities, NHC sponsors many clubs and organizations, such as student government, campus media (radio, TV, newspaper), fraternities and sororities, and intramural and NCAA Division II varsity sports, among others.

While NHC has an outstanding reputation as a business school, it is no longer limited only to business fields. With the broadening of its academic areas, NHC is now an excellent choice for anyone looking for a good education in a small school atmosphere. n

Reviewed in 1992

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