Fordham University | Teen Ink

Fordham University MAG

By Anonymous

   Bronx, NY: One crisp, fall afternoon, my parents and I set out to attend an Open House at Fordham University. During the visit, we toured the campus and had a chance to speak with some of the students as well as professors.

My tour guide was very informative and seemed to depict a clear image of the ideal Fordham student. He was incredibly personable and seemed to be quite intelligent. He shared some entertaining experiences of both campus and city life. Since I have always lived in a small, suburban town, I was wary of making such a drastic move to the Bronx. He assured us the school was safe. He explained how the on-campus security can react to an emergency within 10 minutes, whereas it could take the city's police department up to 45 minutes. The campus is also surrounded by a 6-foot high, wrought-iron gate. At night, guards ensure the safety of the students by keeping a close eye on entrances. A student at Fordham can take advantage of the many learning experiences found outside the gates, as well as in.

Fordham also ensures housing for all four years. The residence halls were much nicer than many I have seen. Each floor shares a common room which is used as a study and socialization area. The dorm rooms are pretty basic. All freshmen share a room with one other person. The rooms are all furnished with two desks, two beds, and closet and storage space. I felt that the students were able to develop a sense of community and responsibility in their temporary homes.

My guide informed me of the university's ability to arrange internships. They have their own radio station for those interested in radio communications, as well as access to television stations. Their pre-professional department is also very good.

Since Fordham is near the subway, students have convenient access to many of the city's hospitals and law offices. Their school of business also benefits from the location.

At Fordham, a student looking for a small, suburban campus does not have to sacrifice the benefits of living - and learning in a city. I felt comfortable and secure walking around the campus. I was impressed with all aspects of this school. My tour guide was excellent, giving me a feel of the atmosphere at Fordham. The professors and students I spoke with not only answered my questions but offered me more information on the academics and life at Fordham. Altogether the Open House was a small taste of the experiences available at Fordham University. f

Reviewed in 1997

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This article has 2 comments.

i love this !

on Apr. 24 2012 at 8:26 am
XxBellaxX BRONZE, Bronx New York, New York
1 article 3 photos 12 comments

Favorite Quote:
\"Remember as a child when you\'d try to express yourself by drawing a picture, but your clumsy motor skills just couldn\'t do it, so you crinkled up the picture? So now that you\'re older, where are your pictures, or are you still stuck in that child\'s mind of crackling up your ideas? Express your thoughts, no matter how silly you may think they are!\"

this is awesome... my school is across the street from fordham university. ^.^