How To Not Care: High School Edition | Teen Ink

How To Not Care: High School Edition

November 2, 2016
By BluOssian BRONZE, Shennadoah, Iowa
BluOssian BRONZE, Shennadoah, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Process Essay
How To Not Care: High School Edition

To survive in high school, thick skin is essential. Today we are going to observe the process of how to not care. First, look in the mirror first thing in the morning. The view may be pleasing, or utterly repulsive. We have to realize we will look like this every morning. Give the reflection a thumbs up, or the finger, because some people are just not morning people. Proceed to breakfast.

Eat a strange breakfast. Eat chocolate cake or leftover pizza. Eat whatever feels right. After breakfast, decide what to wear.

Wear something comfortable. It can be sweatpants and a t-shirt, those new footie pajamas, or a tux and ballgown. We don’t care, remember? So we wear whatever. We now must move on to morning routines.
If a girl is reading this, this part is for you. If makeup is an essential, skip it. Try one day without wearing makeup. So what if someone says something about it. It is not the end of the world. Imagine the extra sleep you’ll get. That always helps. Do whatever you want with your hair:  go natural, put it up in a ponytail, do a crazy braid, do whatever you want. Now on to the boys.

I assume you don’t wear makeup since society hasn’t told you you’re ugly without it, but if you do, skip it. Who cares anyway?

This routine is mainly for everyday, unless it is absolutely necessary to look nice, say, for a game day, job interview, or formal event. If a coach says to look nice and threatens to run you to death if you don’t; you had better look nice. Now here is a lesson on how to handle some jeers in case they come your way.

If someone says, “You’re looking ugly today.”

Reply with, “Thanks, I was trying to look like you.”

If someone states, “You look tired.”
Answer back with, “Odd, so do you.”
If someone asks “Are you okay?
Reply sarcastically, “No, I just got hit by a bus.”
These comebacks usually silence all the jeers and stupid questions. 

Now, are we going to worry about what others think, or are we not going to care?   

High school is full of judgement and conformity.

The greatest way to express your individuality is liking yourself and not caring what others think. So when you strut down that hallway know that you are fine just the way you are.  


Confidence is not “They will like me.”  Confidence is “I’ll be fine if they don’t.” Congratulations, you have just finished the essay called “How To Not Care: High School Edition.”

I hope you found this essay enjoyable, humorous, and helpful. If not, then that’s fine. I honestly don’t care.

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This article has 3 comments.

Sherry said...
on Nov. 6 2016 at 11:04 am
Blu....... you're a great writer. I enjoyed reading this!

NancyY said...
on Nov. 6 2016 at 7:31 am
Love it! Good advice for everyone!

WENDY g said...
on Nov. 5 2016 at 9:34 pm
Brilliant!! Just brilliant!