Touching Yet Irritating | Teen Ink

Touching Yet Irritating

October 8, 2014
By 215302 BRONZE, Granbury, Texas
215302 BRONZE, Granbury, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Riding four-wheelers through two feet  deep mudholes is what he does. ‘“If you aren’t covered in mud, you aren’t having fun” is what “chubs” would say. Some friends and family address him as “Joe”, but I call him Chubs, and/or bestfriend.

Chubs isn’t always the smile-and-lie kind of person o he doesn’t hurt your feelings. To be honest you’re lucky if he remembers that you have any. He also doesn’t smell good EVER … unless you would wear the mixture of a fart after 10 bowls of beans, and a dead skunk as a perfume, then I guess he smells great? When you ask him why he gives you the excuse,         “ when you’re having too much fun you sorta forget good hygiene.”
Being around my amazing, but crazy-at-the-same-time step dad he has influenced me to live life with no regrets, and just have fun. I have always been the person to find the biggest rock to hide under when real life problems head my way, and with the help of my step dad I am out of my shell and ready to fight and overcome my own problems.

The most important thing I have forgot to mention about my bestfriend is that he was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. This is a disease that shuts down your muscles and is EXTREMELY painful.

Chubs does not let this stop him from achieving everyday activities, even though it makes it difficult; he does not give up.

Before you find out Joe’s condition you would never think anything different other than that he is attracted to gravity. That is part of losing your ability to walk; you become very clumsy.

17 years ago my best friend recieved this life changing news, but 17 years later he still lives as if that day was just a bad dream. Joe has influenced me to live with an open heart and as every breath is going to be your last.  Chubs does not let his condition stop him from climbing mountains in sixteen or less degree weather just to bring home a mantel for his wall.
Having  the privilege to live with Joe i’ve also learned that he puts others in front of himself, and puts their pain before his. My best friend may be losing a limb while you just have a papercut, but he will make sure that he puts a band-aid on your little cut before even think about taking care of himself. 

I want to learn to learn to live life with the positive mind set that my Chub’s does. Even though Joe has felt every pain that there is to feel; he still manages to keep moving forward and never falling back. He has felt the pain of losing his other half; his best friend, to just feeling the pain of a two-ton truck landing on his finger.

I always think to myself “ how can a man that has been through so much be so positive and influential?” But then I remember the answer Chubs told me “ you learn to accept the fact that there is a reason for everything”, I think I should strive to be more like my best friend. Being like him I’ll be that person in someone’s life that influences them to be a better person.

Even though Joe A.K.A “Chubs and/or best friend” is sometimes irritating and stinks all the time, I am still amazed on the positive outlook he has on life, and the great impact this amazing man; my step father, has had on my life.

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