classification essay | Teen Ink

classification essay

December 5, 2012
By Anonymous

There are busy swarms of cliques throughout the high school and sweeping stereotypical personalities that match up to them. Each clan has a certain look and dress code, but no clique could rearrange the sometimes very odd, assortment of teen couples. These couples seem as if they were thrown together overnight. Some can hardly function, some are glued to each other's side and the majority of the teens are in the honeymoon phase, star struck by their new found soul mate. They come in a variety of models like the freshmen who have separation anxiety, the height difference between the girl to the boy that can be hard to look at, and the athletic pairing who show affection through punches. Though, all are equally amusing, each securely fit the general stereotypes of teenage couples in school.

"the inseparable"
Out of the thousands of students that attend this school, the gum popping, obnoxious, embracing freshmen couple is the one that I dread encountering. The two underclassmen are somehow inseparable. Walking, they trip over their own shoes and sitting down becomes a real struggle when they do not loosen their death grip on each other. I can not help but wonder if they even see my furrowed brow aimed in their direction. Of course, why would they bother to acknowledge the rest of the world when they have each other. Her binder is filled to the brim with the cherished memories of the two months that they have been dating, or maybe just constricting one another. I'll be sure to send a card on the highly anticipated three month anniversary. These freshmen lock their fingers together until their knuckles turn white. How does that not hurt? Are you made of iron? The boy wraps his arms around his petite girlfriend, like a boa constrictor squeezing its' prey. I do not think that she has enough air and I am getting concerned. But, the bell has rung loud and clear and they are in a haze. Still in a bittersweet embrace, the couple subconsciously gathers their belongings, continuously gazing into the very depths of each others souls. Move it along children, you will see each other again, I promise.

"Girl to boy ratio"
An inch shy of six feet, a model like girl passes through the vicious crowd of students. On her right arm, a boy hangs, that just brushes against her shoulder. The duo is examined thoroughly by their opinionated peers. The curious couple brushes away the criticisms and continues to act like a picture perfect couple. Though, she seems like she is guiding a younger sibling through the high school, the odd pair is just fine with the animated expressions of their peers when they go in for a romantic kiss. The skyscraper of a girl towers over a frail boy that has his awkward arms open. Hopping up a few inches, he gives her a peck on the chin, aiming for her cheek, and disappears into the mass of students going to class. I can not help but think of how that girl could possibly find the little guy in that jungle of a crowd.

"Let's get physical"
A rather muscle fueled couple that mostly every student fears is the wrestling, vitamin taking, weight lifting, bronze, athletic twosome that a congested hallway splits in two for. Their outbursts and hand motions are more dangerous the closer one is. I can not count how many times I have seen an innocent bystander get a hearty nudge in the ribcage. They then show the definition of their glowing muscles to one another. The flashes of bulging biceps become a sort of motivation to start a major workout. The two feed off of listening to one another's winning basket or point and how they always lead their team to victory, boasting about the many shiny trophies and sparkling plaques in their name. These super tough teens are hard to handle and I keep a distance between us, for the well being of my ribs.

Whether I get hit in my abdomen or not, observing the main and reoccurring couples in school is hard to avoid. They are stationed in every corner and will not stop bringing attention to themselves. Whether they have an anxiety attack if they are apart or if the couple is unbalanced in height, they will keep showing up around campus. Having to make my way around these couples can be a hassle because they are so involved with each other. It is a spectacle to see that these entertaining teens fit the definition of public display of affection and remain involved in my route to class as roadblocks, and that I would simply enjoy if they would scoot out of my way.

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