IU Bloomington Argument | Teen Ink

IU Bloomington Argument

June 5, 2023
By Anonymous

Indiana University at Bloomington is a renowned institution that offers a diverse range of academic programs and opportunities. As a student planning to attend university in the Fall of 2024, I believe Indiana University at Bloomington(IU) would be a great fit for me specifically because of its diversity, and emphasis on leadership and community involvement.

As an Asian-American who grew up in Los Angeles, a melting pot, I’ve always been surrounded by tons of different cultures. One of the main things that adds to my identity are these mesh of cultures that I have cherished and integrated into within my childhood. Without a diverse demographic, I lose a sense of creativity and perspective, which is why a college like IU would fit me perfectly. IU values diversity in all its forms, including cultural, racial, and socio-economic diversity. For example, IU has consistently been ranked as one of the most diverse universities in the United States, ranking 10th for public schools and 16th for both public and private schools according to the 2021 U.S. News and World Report. Being able to recognize that diversity are essential components of academic excellence and foster an environment where students can learn from one another's unique perspectives and experiences, IU actively seeks to balance out these demographics in the application process. Not only do they assist racial inclusion in the application process, IU has specific resources such as cultural centers and scholarships for those in need. It is clear that diversity is something highly valued at IU, making it a great fit for myself because their values align with mine. With diversity being ubiquitous throughout the college, I feel safe and free to use my creativity in the best environment I can surround myself with.

Another reason as to why IU would be a great fit for me is because of how it values leadership and community involvement. As someone who aspires to eventually become one of the leaders of the world, honing my leadership is vital for the success of my career. I am already currently involved in the Student Council at my high school, have held many board positions and attended many leadership programs. IU provides abundant opportunities for students to develop their leadership skills and make a positive impact in their communities such as student clubs and organizations. One example of such opportunities is IU’s Leadership Institute in which they offer a variety of programs and resources to help students develop their leadership skills and make a positive impact in their communities with the addition of coaching, workshops, and an annual leadership conference. Leadership Institute is also very similar to a club like DECA, a business club I am heavily involved in, which makes it easier to assimilate into. IU's emphasis on leadership and community involvement makes it an excellent fit for someone like myself who has experience in this area. There will be no drought of opportunities for me to make meaningful contributions to the community, further developing my leadership skills, and becoming an active member of IU’s vibrant campus culture.

Diversity and leadership are two things I value highly in a college and is something I look for when applying. IU provides both at a high level, making it a great match for me because of the similarities we share. When looking for a college to attend, look for what colleges are similar to who you are and who you want to be, because most likely those are the colleges that will ultimately bring the best out of you.

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My name is Harrison

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