Plane Lands and Jazz Hands | Teen Ink

Plane Lands and Jazz Hands

April 23, 2023
By jaslynni BRONZE, Gilbert, Arizona
jaslynni BRONZE, Gilbert, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Plane Lands and Jazz Hands

I would like to propose an article on a topic that I believe has been long overdue for a thorough analysis: the act of clapping when a plane lands. Now, I know what you may be thinking. "Clapping when a plane lands? What's there to analyze?" But trust me, dear colleagues, there is much more to this phenomenon than meets the eye.

First, let's take a moment to examine the psychology behind clapping. Clapping is a way for humans to express appreciation or approval. We clap when we see a great performance, when we hear a powerful speech, or when we witness a significant achievement. But what exactly is the achievement in question when we clap for a plane landing? Is it the fact that the pilot successfully navigated the plane through the air and brought it to a safe landing? Well, that's certainly impressive, but it's also their job. We don't clap for the barista who successfully makes our coffee or the accountant who balances our books, do we?

Perhaps it's the relief of having arrived at our destination safely. But if that's the case, why don't we clap when we exit a taxi or a bus or a train? Surely, those modes of transportation can also be dangerous. No, dear colleagues, there is something else at play here. Something that is both baffling and delightful. Something that can only be explained by the absurdity of human nature.

I propose that we examine the act of clapping when a plane lands from a comedic perspective. Let's explore the humor in this tradition, and perhaps even create some new traditions of our own. For starters, let's acknowledge the fact that clapping when a plane lands is essentially clapping for not dying. It's like applauding a chef for not giving you food poisoning or a dentist for not accidentally drilling through your jaw. It's a low bar, to say the least. And yet, we do it anyway. We clap with excitement, as if the pilot just landed on the moon instead of a runway. We look around to see who else is clapping, as if to confirm that we're not the only ones who find this whole thing absurd.

But what if we took it a step further? What if, instead of clapping, we cheered like we're at a sports game? What if we brought pom-poms and foam fingers and did a little dance in the aisle? What if we all sang a song together, like a plane-landing-themed rendition of "Take Me Out to the Ballgame"? Or what if we went in the opposite direction and didn't clap at all? What if we all just sat in silence, staring straight ahead, as if nothing out of the ordinary had just happened? What if we pretended like we weren't relieved to be alive, just to mess with the people who are expecting us to clap? The possibilities are endless, dear colleagues. And who knows? Maybe one day, we'll look back on the tradition of clapping when a plane lands and laugh at how silly it all was. But until then, let's embrace the absurdity and keep the applause going.

One interesting aspect to consider is the awkwardness of the situation. When people clap after a plane lands, there is often a moment of silence before the first person starts clapping. This moment can feel awkward and uncomfortable, as if everyone is waiting for someone else to start the applause.

But what if we turned this awkwardness into something amusing? What if, instead of waiting for someone to start clapping, we all started doing a synchronized dance routine as soon as the plane touched down? We could choreograph a whole routine, complete with jazz hands and high kicks, and perform it every time we land. It would certainly make for a memorable flight experience.

Another angle to explore is the idea of over-the-top praise. If we're going to applaud the pilot for doing their job, why not take it to the extreme? We could hire a marching band to play a victory tune every time we land, or release a shower of confetti from the overhead compartments. We could even have a red carpet rolled out on the tarmac and a team of paparazzi waiting to snap photos of the heroic pilot.

Of course, there are always naysayers who argue that clapping when a plane lands is a waste of time and energy. But what if we turned this negativity on its head? What if we made it a competition to see who could come up with the most creative way to show appreciation for a safe landing? We could have an in-flight contest, with prizes for the most outrageous idea. It would certainly make for some entertaining conversations on board.

In the end, the tradition of clapping when a plane lands may seem silly, but it's also a testament to the human need for connection and expression. We may not be able to control the turbulence or the weather, but we can control how we react to it. And if that means clapping like crazy when we touch down, then so be it. So the next time you're on a plane and the clapping starts, don't be afraid to join in the fun. Who knows? You might just start a new tradition or make some unforgettable memories along the way. Just don't forget your jazz hands.

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