College Expenses Get Out Of Hand | Teen Ink

College Expenses Get Out Of Hand

June 5, 2024
By Anonymous

According to, only 31% of public four year universities were affordable, but what about the private ones? Many young people dream of a college they would want to go to and when the time comes that dream simply stays a dream because it is just too expensive and if you are not wealthy your dream college simply is just not the reality. A college education costs way too much money and creates a constant cycle of poverty. 

When I first applied to colleges and got accepted into them my first thought was I would never afford to go here even though it was a perfect option for me and what I wanted to do in my future so I just counted it out because $70,000 a year even with a $23,000 scholarship  is just not reasonable at all. But I found out that hartford hospital employees get a 40% discount off tuition for their kids so that was the only way I am able to go to the college that I wanted. College overall just costs way too much money and is one of the only ways to become truly successful in today's society. 

All the work students put in during high school to be accepted into their dream college they don’t think too much about the cost and how that will impact them being able to go to their dream college they just think about getting accepted and this is a big problem. 

Colleges continue to raise tuition because the government hands out loans to students regardless if they could pay them back. The heritage foundation says “And with federal loans accounting for much of the $1.5 trillion in outstanding student loan debt and more than a million people defaulting on their loans, taxpayers are picking up much of the tab for this broken system.” explaining how this is not a good thing that is causing more and more problems. 

There is a big pressure put on teens to go to college and that it's the best thing for their future, but is that really true if they are just going to end up being thousands in debt. According to data from theFederal Reserve Board's 2022 Survey of Consumer Finance “About 2.2 million people over the age of 55 have outstanding student loans,” this is money that is carried with you throughout your whole life. 

A solution to this problem could be if we get the federal government out of the student loan business it could stop the rise of college tuition and student debt. This will cut the endless budget that allows colleges to keep increasing costs and creating private lending will create more affordable choices for students.  

College has become way too expensive and seems like a luxury and a lot of people dream about going to college but just are not able to afford it, or many people go and become thousands in debt. We need to create more affordable options for going to college so more people can go and create the future they dream for themselves. 

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